下條ユリ 下條ゆり下条ユリ下条ゆりしもじょうゆり
Yuri_Shimojo_Portrait of Artist_Geoffrey Berliner_2017.jpg


Yuri Shimojo 下條ユリ

Yuri Shimojo is a Tokyo-born, contemporary Japanese painter who lives and works between New York City and Kyoto.


Portrait by Geoffrey Berliner / Penumbra Foundation

Yuri Shimojo is a Tokyo-born, contemporary Japanese painter who lives and works between New York City and Kyoto. 

The last descendant of her samurai clan, Shimojo lost all of her immediate family members by the age of 29. She has always used painting to express the interconnected emotions of impermanence. Using traditional Japanese watercolor or ground SUMI and SHU ink, her work combines the abstract and the surreal, often playfully and always evocative of the desire for universal compassion. 

With minimal formal training in fine art, her style is grounded in the practice of classical Japanese dance and other traditional arts. Her publications include a memoir of her unique childhood with her late family. She also spent many years studying Hawaiian healing practices and spirituality. These experiences of moving between cultures have influenced her work throughout her life and continue to bring new sources of inspiration.

She has exhibited in the U.S. and Japan and is in private collections around the world.

Curriculum Vitae




主な著書に、波瀾に富んだ生い立ちを綴った自叙伝『ちいさならくがき』がある。ドキュメンタリー映画『Colour of Ink』(カラー・オブ・インク)に出演。


Selected Press and Publications


The New York Times, The T List, Memento Mori, 2021


Boston Globe, Memento Mori, 2021


Unbroken Line
A Short Film at the artist’s studio in NYC during the Covid-19 lockdown
by Toddy Stewart, 2020

Sumi and Shu
A short film about the artist’s practice of Japanese ink
by Toddy Stewart, 2016

Featured in the film with Jason Logan, The Toronto Ink Company , 2022


AXIS, Artists Documentary Series
A short film about journaling/memoir/watercolor from Williamsburg home studio  
by Friends We Love, 2010

Shiharu, 2015

Salad for President with Julia Sherman, 2014
Yuri’s Japanese Crudité in Kyoto

Arne #13:大橋歩さんからのインタビュー, 2014

Kinari, Memento Mori at Kyoto Temple. 2012

Free Paper Dictionary, NYで感じた after 311, 2011

Envisioning Diaspora, 2009

THEME : The Journals, 2007

D.P.I, Art and Design Magazine : Taiwan, 2007

Salvage + Assemble Short Film : Barnstormers, Space Gallery, 2006